Sunday, May 19, 2013

You might have guessed...

With dinners like these ...

 And beaches like these...

And parties like these...

You might have guessed this would happen!

 We would like to introduce our newest Bock Boy Bump, Porter Pylkas Bock, due to make his appearance sometime in middle to late August in Minnesota! We’ll see you soon friends!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Food in Brazil

Recently our friend and fellow blogger, Liz of deLizious Food Communications asked us about the food we are eating in Brazil. How could we forget! It is probably one of the most interesting and delightful parts of living in Brazil. In honor of Liz, we have decided to devote this entire blog to food in Brazil! If the beautiful beaches aren't enough to tantalize you to come and visit us, maybe your stomach will lead you to our doorstep! Also, a disclaimer is warranted here! We are certainly not Brazilian food experts, let alone any kind of food experts. However, we have filled this blog with some of our favorite Brazilian foods as we have experienced them. Let's start with breakfast! No more cereal for this family - well mostly not. With cereal prices in the range of R$9 to R$12 reais (Brazilian currency for around US$4.50-US$6.00) we eat the free and delicious breakfast offered by our school. Our breakfast usually consists of papaya, breads, jellies, cheeses and meats in our school cafeteria. Coffee with cold or steamed milk is served along with hot or cold chocolate and a variety of teas. Zachary (9)and Jackson (7) love Fridays because on this special day scrambled eggs are served! Joshua's favorite part about breakfast is a plate heaped with papaya and Minas Gerais cheese. This special cheese is a queijo fresco, a crumbly, white cheese, from the state Minas Gerais in Brazil. Lunch is another treat. We are treated daily to a true hot lunch prepared on site by the cafeteria staff. It is at this meal that we eat a staple of the Brazilian diet, feijao (pronounced fay-jown) and arroz (pronounced a-hoiz - in English, black beans and rice. Besides rice and beans there is also a choice of seasoned beef, poultry and fish. Our favorite part of lunch, however, is the salad bar, complete with fresh greens, veggies, fruits and homemade dressings. This same meal is offered to children at lunch. Which means, for mom and dad, no more lunch packing on school nights! Dinner in Brazil is often similar to lunch with arroz and feijao along with a salad, fresh fruit, vegetables and chicken, beef or fish. We have been very inspired by our meals in Brazil as we almost always eat fresh foods with very few processed foods. Processed foods are not readily available or are very expensive. We hope to bring some of our Brazilian eating practices back to the states with us! Check out the photo album for pictures of some more of our meals and also some special occasion meals.
Food in Brazil